Here's a screenshot taken about thirty minutes ago with some "real" attack wave data in place and the status bar pretty much working as it's meant but on test pictures - there's also a video to see it moving on YouTube:
My main "hobby" is programming for 6502-based 8-bit computers, in particular machines like the Commodore 64, VIC 20, Atari 8-bit series, C16 and Plus/4 and just about anything else that gets my attention. i have considered learning Z80 as well, but it's a matter of finding the time to sit down and work out the way that it accesses memory in a form i can understand... i do a spot of writing these days as well, something that surprises me a little since i've never really thought of myself as a writer as such, more a programmer who puts words together to fill gaps... i'm currently writing for Oldschool Gaming, Retro Gamer and RGCD.
1 comment:
Looking forward to seeing/playing this at Retro Reunited!
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