Sunday, 24 August 2008

PC :: Boom bang a bang!

Yay! i didn't really get around to documenting any more of the process, but Vinculum has been released in it's "competition form" and i'm in the process of setting up a website for a new "venture"; to paraphrase the old bank advert where the businessman asks people at work, friends and everyone else apart from his wife before making a life-changing decision, i'm "going it alone" or more accurately i'm going to have a go at setting m'self up as an indie developer with this project in a greatly expanded form as a first product if all goes to plan. Anyway, my new website isn't actually there as such but the domain is working and theres a temporary page on it already for Vinculum with the instructions and a download link so off you go for a likkle look. And here's a screen of that latest revision:

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